After the Trauma | Ep. 9

On Trauma:

Capturing the nature and gravity of trauma and its aftermath can indeed be daunting. To convey what one experiences in that traumatic moment, ongoing moments or aftermath requires some attention to wording and a balance of sharing the truth of it without overwhelming. For people who have experienced trauma, conveying the nuances is not needed. What is needed is normalizing these experiences and sharing knowledge around the possible traumatic event or ongoing-trauma aftermath. One who has survived the one-time or chronic, ongoing traumatic events can be impacted in different ways. Knowing and understanding the potential traumatic effects for oneself, friend, family member or person read about in the news, can bring about more compassion for self and others and create a place from which healing is always possible.  

This podcast will define trauma and differential between Type I and Type II traumas. I will talk about PTSDtraumatic re-experiencing, triggers, flashbacks and healing. There are effective therapies available for treating post-traumatic stress and I will mention these in this episode. Future podcasts will provide information on other trauma-related topics. 

On The Blue Couch is created and hosted by Kathleen R. Brennan, LCPC


The Walking Dead and Trauma | Ep. 10

The Walking Dead and Trauma | Ep. 10

Let's Start a Resolution | Ep. 8

Let's Start a Resolution | Ep. 8